We kicked off the show with an icon as our first SPECIAL guest: the one and only, the original Brit Diva, the F A B U L O U S Sonique!!! Sonique's song 'It Feels So Good' was such a huge success 20 years ago, so it was humbling and extremely exciting to have her on the show. She spoke about what she’s been up to and most importantly her new single 'Melody', a collaboration with the multi-talented international Music Producer Mauro Picotto. Here is a link to the wonderful single, check it out: https://youtu.be/eEekaiiYQP8
Photo opposite, Sonique (with Director Linda Cairns) wearing an emerald green dress by designer Simonetta Sabo (Instagram @simonetta_sabo).
The Brit Divas were joined by the awesome Entrepreneur, CEO and Founder of MISS USSR UK, Julia Titova, who had taken time out of her busy schedule as she was preparing for the year’s event in Monaco.
Find out more about Julia's work HERE.
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